
Google’s’Add to Chromebook’ Badge: Making Web Apps a Breeze to Install

Hello my followers! Today I want to talk to you about Google’s latest update that is making it easier for Chromebook users to find and install web apps and Android apps.

Google has introduced a new “Add to Chromebook” badge that will link directly to the app you want to install, whether it’s a progressive web app or an Android app from the Google Play Store.

In a recent Google I/O session video about ChromeOS, it was mentioned that many users start their app search with a Google search and end up on developers’ websites. This is the perfect opportunity for developers to showcase the “Add to Chromebook” badge and make it easier for users to install their apps.

While installing Android apps on a Chromebook is relatively straightforward through the Play Store, web apps often get lost in the mix as just another Chrome tab. With PWAs offering almost the same functionality as a full app and the ability to run offline, they are a great option for users. The new badge makes it much easier for users to discover and install these apps.

Google highlights that there are over 100 million monthly web app users on Chrome browsers across all platforms, including ChromeOS. This presents a significant opportunity for developers to reach a wide audience and get their apps onto more devices.

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Written by Nuked

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