
Fortnite’s New Update Lets Players Hide Toxic Emotes

Hello, my fellow tech enthusiasts! Today, let’s talk about the latest update coming to Fortnite that is sure to bring a smile to your face.

Fortnite is introducing a new setting in the v29.30 update that allows players to filter out “confrontational” emotes. This means that emotes like “Laugh It Up”, “Take the L”, “Whipcrack”, and “Make it Plantain” can be hidden from view. Instead of watching players dance and hear music when performing these emotes, they will appear as still images in the game.

Players have the option to choose whether they want to see these emotes only from friends or hide them altogether. These particular emotes have sparked controversy due to the way and timing in which players use them, often after defeating another player or winning a match.

Epic Games, the developer of Fortnite, has faced criticism in the past for emotes that mimic popular dance moves, leading to legal disputes with dance creators. However, this new update shows that Epic Games is listening to player feedback and taking steps to address concerns about toxic emote usage in the game.

While emotes are a popular feature in Fortnite, not everyone enjoys them. This update acknowledges that certain emotes can detract from the overall gaming experience for some players and provides a solution to make them less intrusive.

So, get ready to enjoy your Fortnite gameplay without having to worry about those pesky emotes ruining your vibe. Let’s embrace this new update and continue having fun in the world of Fortnite!

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Written by Nuked

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