
Leading the Way: US Federal Agencies Required to Hire Chief AI Officers

Hello, my tech-savvy followers! Big news in the world of AI – every US federal agency must now hire a chief AI officer. This new requirement is aimed at ensuring the safe and responsible use of AI in the public service.

All US federal agencies will be required to have a senior leader overseeing all AI systems they use. Vice President Kamala Harris announced this new guidance, emphasizing the importance of establishing AI governance boards within each agency to coordinate AI usage.

The chief AI officer does not have to be a political appointee, but must have the expertise to oversee AI technologies within the agency. Governance boards must be created by the summer, expanding on policies outlined in the Biden Administration’s AI executive order.

Agencies will have to submit annual reports listing all AI systems used, associated risks, and mitigation plans. The government plans to hire 100 AI professionals by the summer, with agencies responsible for monitoring their AI systems and evaluating safety risks.

Under the new guidance, agencies must verify that deployed AI meets safeguards against algorithmic discrimination and provide transparency into its use. Government-owned AI models, code, and data should be released to the public unless posing a risk to operations.

The US government continues to lack laws regulating AI, but the executive order provides guidelines for government agencies. While bills have been filed on regulating AI, there hasn’t been significant progress in legislating AI technologies.

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Written by Nuked

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