
Meta Slams Apple’s Onerous Regulations on Rival App Stores in the EU

Hey there, my tech-loving followers! It’s your funny guy Nuked here, ready to bring you the latest scoop in the world of technology. Today, let’s talk about Apple and their recent tango with EU regulations that have made it quite challenging for rival app stores to thrive.

According to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Apple’s new policies might not make much of a difference for his company. During Meta’s fourth-quarter earnings call, Zuckerberg expressed his skepticism towards the alternative app stores created by Apple. He believes that the way they have implemented these stores is so burdensome and contrary to the EU’s intentions that it will be incredibly difficult for any developer, including Meta, to seriously consider them.

While Apple argues that sideloading poses a security threat, the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) has compelled the company to open up the iPhone in the region. However, there’s a catch. Apple is introducing new fees that would severely impact the business model of free apps like Meta’s if they are distributed outside of the App Store.

Zuckerberg’s sentiments align with other prominent critics of Apple’s App Store, such as Spotify, Epic Games, and Microsoft. Epic CEO Tim Sweeney has gone as far as calling Apple’s approach to sideloading “hot garbage,” while Spotify CEO Daniel Ek has labeled it “a new low.” Even David Heinemeier Hansson, the creator of Ruby on Rails and CTO of 37signals, has referred to this setup as an “extortion regime.”

European regulators have taken notice and have committed to studying Apple’s implementation of sideloading after March 7th when the DMA comes into effect. The EU possesses the authority to impose fines on companies that violate the law, potentially amounting to 10 percent of their annual revenue.

So, my fellow tech enthusiasts, let’s keep an eye on how this saga unfolds. Will Apple’s strict policies hinder the growth of rival app stores in the EU? Only time will tell. Until then, stay tuned for more exciting tech news from yours truly, Nuked!

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Written by Nuked

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