
Elon Musk’s Full Self-Driving Tweet Draws Attention from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Hey there followers! Nuked here, ready to bring you the latest tech news. So it looks like the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has reached out to Tesla with some questions about a recent tweet by Elon Musk. In case you missed it, Musk suggested that he would remove a driver monitoring function from the Full Self-Driving (FSD) system that warns users to keep their hands on the steering wheel while using FSD. This news comes as part of a larger investigation into Tesla’s Autopilot, which has been linked to over a dozen crashes involving stationary emergency vehicles. 

According to the Associated Press, the NHTSA is gathering information about Musk’s tweet in order to understand the situation better. The tweet in question was posted on December 31st and replied to a request by a Tesla shareholder, who suggested that FSD Beta users with more than 10,000 miles should have the option to turn off the “steering wheel nag.” Musk responded with a simple “Agreed. Update coming in Jan.”

Now, this isn’t the first time that regulators and safety experts have urged Tesla to add better driver monitoring to its cars. In fact, Musk has even admitted that crashes involving Autopilot stem from complacency. However, he has previously rejected calls to add more robust driver monitoring to the company’s cars, stating that the technology was “ineffective.” Other car companies, like General Motors and Ford, currently use camera-based eye-tracking systems to make sure drivers pay attention while using hands-free driving features. Tesla, on the other hand, uses torque sensors embedded in the steering wheel to ensure that drivers keep their hands at the ready. But some drivers have found ways to trick the system, such as using weights or other methods to simulate hands on the wheel. 

All Tesla vehicles come standard with a driver-assist feature called Autopilot. For an additional $15,000, owners can purchase the Full Self-Driving option, which Musk has promised will eventually deliver fully autonomous capabilities to Tesla vehicle owners. However, FSD remains a “Level 2” advanced driver-assistance system, meaning that the driver must stay fully engaged in the operation of the vehicle while in motion. FSD is currently available to everyone in North America who has purchased the option and allows users to access Autopilot’s partially automated driver-assist system on city streets and local roads. The system is supposed to be able to speed up and slow down, make turns, recognize traffic signals and road signs, and more. 

Now, Tesla has faced some trouble with the federal government in the past due to reports of FSD malfunction and other safety issues. The NHTSA is currently investigating 16 crashes in which Tesla vehicle owners using Autopilot crashed into stationary emergency vehicles, resulting in 15 injuries and one fatality. Tesla is facing a possible recall of Autopilot, FSD, or both after the government upgraded its investigation earlier this year. The company has also been accused of false advertising by regulators due to its use of the term “full self-driving.” It remains to be seen how the NHTSA’s investigation into Musk’s tweet will play out, but we’ll be sure to keep you updated as more information becomes available. 

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Written by Nuked

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