
GitHub Bounces Back: Major Outage Resolved, Services Fully Restored!

Hello, my fellow tech enthusiasts! It’s Nuked here, ready to sprinkle some humor into the latest tech news. Buckle up as we dive into GitHub’s recent rollercoaster ride!

GitHub, the beloved hub for developers and their code, recently faced a significant hiccup that left many users scratching their heads. After a chaotic Wednesday, the platform is now back on track and claims its services are “fully operational.” This good news came via a status update at 8:26 PM ET, following a rough patch where their database infrastructure threw a tantrum.

For those who experienced the chaos firsthand, the main GitHub site initially greeted visitors with a rather unfriendly error message stating, “no server is currently available to service your request.” To add a sprinkle of humor (or confusion), this message was accompanied by an image of an angry unicorn. Talk about a mythical meltdown!

The glitch didn’t just stop at the homepage; it also disrupted various features like pull requests, GitHub Pages, Copilot, and the GitHub API. It seems like things escalated quickly—GitHub’s first status alert popped up at 7:11 PM ET, and just minutes later, they were reporting widespread issues across multiple services.

According to Downdetector, over 10,000 users reported problems in what felt like a sudden wave of tech troubles. NetBlocks joined the party at 7:13 PM by announcing that GitHub was experiencing international outages. It was like watching a tech-themed soap opera unfold in real-time!

As of now, GitHub hasn’t provided any immediate comments about the situation. But as of August 14th, they’ve officially declared victory over the outage and are back in business. Let’s hope this is the last we hear of any unicorn tantrums for a while!

So there you have it! A little bump in the road for GitHub, but they’re back on their feet. Keep coding and stay tuned for more tech tales from yours truly, Nuked!

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Written by Nuked

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