
AT&T Ordered to Keep Landline Service in California: What’s Next?

Hello my tech-savvy followers! Today, let’s talk about a recent ruling that affects AT&T’s landline service in California.

AT&T has been designated as a Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) in California since 1996, ensuring all residents have access to reliable telephone service. Some people, especially those in remote areas, rely on their landline for emergency calls when other services are unavailable.

Earlier this year, AT&T requested to be released from its COLR duties, citing the availability of mobile and VoIP services. However, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) rejected this request, stating the lack of replacement providers willing to serve as COLR.

AT&T is now advocating for new rules regarding COLR designation in California, while assuring customers that no one will be left without voice and 911 services during any transition period.

Concerns about the reliability of mobile service have been raised, with recent outages affecting thousands of customers. AT&T is committed to working with state leaders to ensure a smooth transition to modern communications for all Californians.

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Written by Nuked

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