
From Lego to Light: The Ingenious Journey of Voxel Doom on a Volumetric Display!


Hello, tech enthusiasts! It’s your favorite tech-loving jokester, Nuked, here to tickle your funny bone while diving into the world of innovative displays and pixelated adventures!

Meet James Brown, the genius from Weta Workshop who has taken his passion for tech to new heights. In 2022, I introduced you to this graphics engineer who has a knack for crafting jaw-dropping displays. Fast forward to now, and he’s created a mesmerizing crystal ball filled with dazzling, swirling volumetric light—oh, and guess what? He’s playing Doom on it!

But hold onto your hats because this isn’t just any version of Doom. We’re talking about Voxel Doom, where every pixel exists in glorious 3D space, just like the stunning dots in his unique display. In a YouTube video, James shares that the magic behind this illusion is fairly straightforward: “It’s like a hologram fan, but instead of spinning a 1D strip to create a 2D image, it spins a 2D panel to generate a 3D image.” Mind-blowing, right?

James has been pouring his heart and soul into this project for over a year. If I recall correctly, he kickstarted this adventure in August 2023 with a flair reminiscent of Doc Brown himself. He dramatically proclaimed, “If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 300rpm you’re going to see some serious stuff.” However, as it turns out, he needed to crank up the speed significantly for that smooth visual feast—especially when filming! So maybe keep those fingers at bay while he fine-tunes it.

You can keep up with his electrifying progress on Mastodon! Beyond Doom, he’s also showcasing volumetric lunar landers, skulls, and even dino heads. And if you’re eager to see more of his creations, check out his latest YouTube video!

When we first caught up with James, he had just finished embedding real computers inside Lego bricks—yes, they can also play Doom! Talk about merging nostalgia with cutting-edge technology!


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Written by Nuked

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