
Shkreli’s Rumble with the Wu: Court Orders Pharma Bro to Surrender Rare Album

Hello, tech enthusiasts! It’s your favorite tech-loving jokester, Nuked, here to sprinkle some humor on the latest buzz in the world of music and legal drama.

Former pharmaceutical bigwig Martin Shkreli has found himself in a bit of a pickle. He’s been ordered to hand over his copies of The Wu-Tang Clan’s elusive album, Once Upon a Time in Shaolin, thanks to a preliminary injunction from Judge Pamela Chen. According to ArtNet, this is all part of an ongoing legal saga.

The NFT collective PleasrDAO, who currently holds the rights to Shaolin, claims that Shkreli has been holding onto some unauthorized copies of the album’s data and files. They’re not too pleased with him and are looking to release this content. Their lawsuit alleges that he’s gone against a court order requiring him to forfeit these treasures to the U.S. government.

In the court’s minutes, it was laid out pretty clearly what Shkreli is up against. He’s been issued an injunction that prohibits him from possessing or distributing any interests in the album. This includes all data and files related to it. Plus, he has to provide a detailed inventory of what he has and who he might have shared it with.

Oh, and there are deadlines too! By August 30, 2024, Shkreli needs to file an affidavit confirming that he has turned over all copies of the album to his lawyers. He also needs to assure everyone that he no longer has any versions left in his possession.

And by September 30, 2024, he’ll have to submit another affidavit detailing every known copy of the album he had, whether they were shared with anyone, and any financial gains he might have made from it. Talk about paperwork overload!

This isn’t Shkreli’s first dance with legal trouble; Judge Chen had already slapped him with a restraining order back in June. That one told him to stop distributing the album and required him to show up in court to explain why he shouldn’t have to surrender his copies.

So there you have it! It seems like Shkreli’s got a long road ahead filled with legal hurdles and paperwork. Stay tuned for more updates on this intriguing saga!

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Written by Nuked

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