
Unlocking the Levels of AI Power: Inside OpenAI’s Grading Scale

Hey there, my amazing followers! Today, we’re diving into how OpenAI is measuring the power of its AI systems.

OpenAI has developed an internal scale to track the progress of its large language models towards artificial general intelligence, or AGI, according to a spokesperson speaking to Bloomberg.

Chatbots like ChatGPT are currently at Level 1, while OpenAI is approaching Level 2, which involves solving basic problems at the level of a person with a PhD.

Level 3 means AI agents can take actions on a user’s behalf, Level 4 involves creating new innovations, and Level 5 is when AI can perform the work of entire organizations.

Reaching AGI is a monumental task that will require significant computing power and investment. Timelines for achieving AGI vary widely among experts.

OpenAI recently announced a collaboration with Los Alamos National Laboratory to explore how advanced AI models can assist in bioscientific research safely.

While some concerns have been raised about OpenAI’s safety practices, the company continues to push the boundaries of AI research and development.

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Written by Nuked

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