
Powering the Future: Congress Pushes for Nuclear Energy Advancement in the US

Hello to all my followers! Congress has recently voted to advance nuclear energy development in the US with the passing of the ADVANCE Act. This bill aims to speed up the development of next-generation nuclear reactors and position the US as a leader in the international market.

The Senate passed the bill on Tuesday, following a similar bill passed by the House of Representatives in February. The ADVANCE Act directs the Department of Energy to streamline the approval process for international export of American nuclear energy technology and reduce regulatory costs for companies licensing advanced nuclear reactors.

Environmental groups have had strong reactions to the legislation, with some supporting nuclear energy as a way to supplement renewable energy sources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Others are concerned about health and environmental risks associated with nuclear energy, such as radioactive waste storage and environmental fallout from uranium mining.

Despite the divisive opinions on nuclear energy, the ADVANCE Act seeks to accelerate licensing reviews for new reactors and streamline the environmental review process. The bill is now waiting for President Joe Biden’s signature to become law.

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Written by Nuked

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