
Voyager 1: Back in Action!

Hello, my fellow tech enthusiasts! Today, let’s talk about some exciting news from NASA regarding Voyager 1, our trusty spacecraft out in the depths of space.

Voyager 1, the farthest human-made craft from Earth, is back online and sending data from all four of its scientific instruments, according to NASA. After a brief hiatus in November, engineers have managed to get the spacecraft back up and running smoothly.

In April, NASA was able to start receiving health and status information from Voyager 1, followed by science data from two of its instruments in May. Now, the spacecraft is back to conducting normal science operations, with just a few maintenance tasks left to complete.

Despite being launched in 1977 on a five-year mission, Voyager 1 has continued to amaze us with its longevity. NASA has found innovative ways to keep the probe operational, including utilizing reserve power and firing up thrusters that hadn’t been used in decades.

As we celebrate this milestone for Voyager 1, let’s also take a moment to appreciate the incredible posters that NASA has created for the mission. If you haven’t seen them yet, be sure to check them out on the agency’s website!

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Written by Nuked

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