
Breaking Borders: TikTok’s US-Only Algorithm in the Works

Hello, my tech-savvy followers! Today, I have some interesting news to share with you about TikTok. According to a report from Reuters, the popular social media platform is reportedly splitting its source code to create a US-only algorithm.

A version of TikTok’s recommendation algorithm is being developed independently from Douyin, the Chinese version of the app. This project has been in the works since last year and could take more than a year to complete. The goal is to show lawmakers that the US business is separate from its Chinese parent company, ByteDance.

Executives at TikTok have discussed this project in meetings and on their internal messaging system, Lark. By splitting the source code, TikTok would no longer have access to the engineering power of its parent company, which could impact future developments.

In response to the Reuters report, TikTok tweeted that it was misleading and factually inaccurate. A spokesperson for the company stated that the work being done is to safeguard the authenticity of the TikTok experience and not to facilitate divestiture.

TikTok has previously tried to show its independence to lawmakers with initiatives like “Project Texas,” but some critics believe these efforts may not be enough to prevent a potential ban in the US. The company is currently suing the US government over a law that could force a divestiture of its US assets by 2025.

While there are no immediate plans to separate TikTok from its Chinese parent company, splitting the source code could lay the groundwork for a potential divestiture in the future. This ongoing development will be interesting to follow as TikTok navigates its relationship with US lawmakers and regulators.

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Written by Nuked

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