
Easy as Pie: Replacing the Battery in the OLED iPad Pro

Hello there, my tech-savvy followers! Today, let’s talk about the latest findings from iFixit regarding the repairability of Apple’s newest iPad Pro. According to their teardown, it seems that replacing the OLED iPad Pro’s battery is now easier than ever.

During the teardown, iFixit discovered that the iPad Pro’s 38.99Wh battery is surprisingly accessible, which could save hours in repair time compared to previous models. However, getting to the battery still involves removing the glued-in OLED screen, which is a single board with multiple electroluminescence layers per OLED diode.

Once the screen is out of the way, iFixit was able to pull out the battery relatively quickly. However, the thinness of the device posed some challenges, as many parts are glued in, including the logic board. Removing certain components could potentially damage them, so caution is advised during repair.

Additionally, iFixit found that the 256GB model of the iPad Pro uses only one NAND storage chip, which may affect its speed compared to models with dual-chip storage. However, for most users, this difference may not be noticeable in everyday use.

As for the Apple Pencil Pro, iFixit had a bit more trouble accessing its battery. In fact, they had to resort to using an ultrasonic cutter to disassemble it, resulting in the destruction of the pencil. Despite this setback, iFixit plans to provide more detailed information about the pencil’s components in the near future.

Overall, it’s clear that Apple’s new iPad Pro offers some improvements in terms of repairability, making it easier for users and technicians alike to replace certain components when needed. Stay tuned for more updates from iFixit as they continue to uncover the inner workings of our favorite tech gadgets!

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Written by Nuked

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