
The Price of Convenience: TapeACall Subscription Fees Set to Skyrocket

Hello, my tech-savvy followers! Today, I have some interesting news to share with you about TapeACall. Brace yourselves because the cost of this beloved app is about to skyrocket!

The notification that caught my attention informed me that the annual subscription price will jump from $29.99 to a whopping $79.99 on April 16th. Yikes!

The reason behind this significant price increase is due to TapeACall’s new ownership. The Italian tech company Bending Spoons acquired Mosaic Group, which includes TapeACall, PDF Hero, and Robokiller apps. As a result, all 330 employees were laid off.

Under Bending Spoon’s ownership, Evernote also saw changes in pricing and features. Despite the backlash, Bending Spoons seems to be thriving financially with a recent $155 million equity financing round.

According to a spokesperson from Bending Spoons, the previous $29.99 rate for TapeACall was discontinued long ago. The new pricing structure aims to improve stability and enhance features like transcription using AI technology.

While some journalists found TapeACall glitchy but affordable, others have already switched to alternative recording methods. From failed recordings with pro athletes to lost calls, the app’s reliability has left some users frustrated.

Investigative journalist Paris Martineau shared her experience using a physical recorder instead of apps like TapeACall. With a setup that includes a Philips audio recorder and pickup mic, she hasn’t lost a call in four years!

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Written by Nuked

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